Welcome to the 30 Day Carnivore Challenge!

Monday, October 26th 2009 marks the first day of the "30 Day Carnivore Challenge." I created this challenge specifically for my boyfriend, Shell, who lives and breaths for greasy fast food, cheeseburgers, steak (specifically a 24 ounce Porterhouse), stuffed-crust pizza and ice cream. Sound familiar?

If this sounds like a mirror image of your eating habits or you know someone who eats this way, I urge you to follow us for the next 30 days. Now wait a second... just because some of you may be grossed out by Shell's diet, I am still talking to YOU! Yes you!! I especially want people who eat a "healthy" diet consisting of lean meats and very little carbs, people who are on or have tried Atkins, South Beach, Eat Right for Your Type, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or any other fad "DIET!"

For the next 30 days, I am going to let you in on a secret that nobody wants you to know and that billions of dollars are spent annually on covering it up. I will show how people who have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure can literally be freed of all their medication forever in as little as 30 days! How do I do this? It's simple. And you are about to find out.

Take a minute to click on the links above to meet the challenger, learn about protein and more! I will have a new post up at the end of each day (after all meals), showcasing pictures of every meal and providing new information on why this will be the most important challenge of your life.

Here's to your health, to the animals and to the Earth!


Day Eighteen: Pizza Sans Cheese

I believe today was a pretty good food day.  Nothing too eventful took place... the usual bickering on the way to the office, putting a million hats on once we got there, rushing home so I can get dinner ready at a decent hour and then head to bed just to do it all over again tomorrow.  I need tomorrow to be Friday... 

Breakfast: Potato Tofu Scramble

Lunch: D'Amores Salad & Veggie Pizza (No Cheese - Extra Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Vanilla Granola Parfait

Dinner: BBQ Skewers, Rice, Broccoli, Corn


Anonymous said...

wow! all the food you make looks amazing. I wish I could hire you as my personal chef. Do you list the recipes anywhere?

Dana Nesen said...

I am almost finished with my own Veg Starter Kit and it will include recipes from the challenge. Stay tuned on the blog for more details... thanks for the compliments!

Carmen said...

It´s strange. I'm not vegan, even I only eat meat occasionally but as I told before I read about Shell and see my own boyfriend. The fact is that two months ago we started a plan very simmilar to yours and his symptoms were THE SAME AT THE SAME TIME (first to second week after) you presents in here... He went to the doctor and it happens to be that its intestinal bacteria had changed with the new diet and needed to be restaured. He took some pills (still on it) and all the symptoms are gone and now it's ok. I use to take those bacterias from kefir every mornig but... Unfortunately he gave up on the new diet, even now he is not eating red meats or sodas, still take whole grains and has a healthier diet than before the experience...

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