Welcome to the 30 Day Carnivore Challenge!

Monday, October 26th 2009 marks the first day of the "30 Day Carnivore Challenge." I created this challenge specifically for my boyfriend, Shell, who lives and breaths for greasy fast food, cheeseburgers, steak (specifically a 24 ounce Porterhouse), stuffed-crust pizza and ice cream. Sound familiar?

If this sounds like a mirror image of your eating habits or you know someone who eats this way, I urge you to follow us for the next 30 days. Now wait a second... just because some of you may be grossed out by Shell's diet, I am still talking to YOU! Yes you!! I especially want people who eat a "healthy" diet consisting of lean meats and very little carbs, people who are on or have tried Atkins, South Beach, Eat Right for Your Type, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or any other fad "DIET!"

For the next 30 days, I am going to let you in on a secret that nobody wants you to know and that billions of dollars are spent annually on covering it up. I will show how people who have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure can literally be freed of all their medication forever in as little as 30 days! How do I do this? It's simple. And you are about to find out.

Take a minute to click on the links above to meet the challenger, learn about protein and more! I will have a new post up at the end of each day (after all meals), showcasing pictures of every meal and providing new information on why this will be the most important challenge of your life.

Here's to your health, to the animals and to the Earth!


Day Twenty Eight: Another 30 Days??

Saturday night, Shell and I were on our way to see A Christmas Carol in 3D and we were talking about what day he was going to get his blood taken next week.  Well, instead of the answer I was expecting, "as soon as I wake up on Wednesday morning," Shell turned to me and said the unexpected.  "Maybe I should do this vegan thing until the end of year..."  What?!  You want to continue to not eat meat until the end of the year? What about Thanksgiving?  We started when we did just so you could have turkey on Thanksgiving.  A few moments of silence passed... "Ehh, I don't really care if I have turkey or not," he says.  "I would rather go until the end of the year and (here's where the catch was) then get my blood test.  Yes, you heard the man.  He almost backed out of getting his blood work taken on Wednesday because he thinks he can show better results after one more month.  Well, of course I'm sure that's correct.  But the whole point is to see what type of results you can get after ONLY 30 days!  After a bit of back and forth, he agreed to get his blood drawn this week but now he took back the extra 30 days.  Go figure...

Breakfast: Oatmeal Apple Crisp

Lunch: Veggie Pizza w/ Daiya "Cheeze"
Don't you wish you had daiya cheeze... mmmm... I do!!

Dinner: A Special Treat!!
Lentil Pancakes, Steamed Rice, Potatoes, Veggies, Beans & Tomato Soup



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