Welcome to the 30 Day Carnivore Challenge!

Monday, October 26th 2009 marks the first day of the "30 Day Carnivore Challenge." I created this challenge specifically for my boyfriend, Shell, who lives and breaths for greasy fast food, cheeseburgers, steak (specifically a 24 ounce Porterhouse), stuffed-crust pizza and ice cream. Sound familiar?

If this sounds like a mirror image of your eating habits or you know someone who eats this way, I urge you to follow us for the next 30 days. Now wait a second... just because some of you may be grossed out by Shell's diet, I am still talking to YOU! Yes you!! I especially want people who eat a "healthy" diet consisting of lean meats and very little carbs, people who are on or have tried Atkins, South Beach, Eat Right for Your Type, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or any other fad "DIET!"

For the next 30 days, I am going to let you in on a secret that nobody wants you to know and that billions of dollars are spent annually on covering it up. I will show how people who have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure can literally be freed of all their medication forever in as little as 30 days! How do I do this? It's simple. And you are about to find out.

Take a minute to click on the links above to meet the challenger, learn about protein and more! I will have a new post up at the end of each day (after all meals), showcasing pictures of every meal and providing new information on why this will be the most important challenge of your life.

Here's to your health, to the animals and to the Earth!


Day Thirty: The Final Post

It's official... the 30 Day Carnivore Challenge has ended.  It has been an amazing experience for Shell and I to go through together.  He has learned so much in last few weeks, tried new foods, made some new friends, fell in love with this vegan restaurant, learned to like broccoli, and has become more aware of his food and where it comes from.  As I write this last post, he is on his way to get his blood work done.  Last night we had talked about everything he was going to eat today including a McDonald's sausage mcmuffin on his way home from the blood lab.  Then on his way out this morning, he said "I'm not sure I want to stop at McDonald's anymore..."  Interesting.  

So what now?  Shell went into this challenge because I asked him to and he came out of it with a completely different mindset.  I know that Shell will never give up meat & dairy for the rest of his life... I knew that going into the challenge.  But he has said multiple times that he is ready to cut back substantially and only eat it on occasion.  He has realized that his health is not something that he can take for granted anymore and as the saying goes, we'd rather "pay our grocer than our doctor."  Click HERE for his Results.

Breakfast: Vegan McMuffin

Lunch: Thai Food!
Tofu & Vegetable Stir Fry w/ Steamed White Rice

Dinner: Chipotle Veggie Bowl w/ Guac

Dessert: Vegan Glazed Doughnut Holes & Vanilla "Ice Cream"


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