Welcome to the 30 Day Carnivore Challenge!

Monday, October 26th 2009 marks the first day of the "30 Day Carnivore Challenge." I created this challenge specifically for my boyfriend, Shell, who lives and breaths for greasy fast food, cheeseburgers, steak (specifically a 24 ounce Porterhouse), stuffed-crust pizza and ice cream. Sound familiar?

If this sounds like a mirror image of your eating habits or you know someone who eats this way, I urge you to follow us for the next 30 days. Now wait a second... just because some of you may be grossed out by Shell's diet, I am still talking to YOU! Yes you!! I especially want people who eat a "healthy" diet consisting of lean meats and very little carbs, people who are on or have tried Atkins, South Beach, Eat Right for Your Type, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or any other fad "DIET!"

For the next 30 days, I am going to let you in on a secret that nobody wants you to know and that billions of dollars are spent annually on covering it up. I will show how people who have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure can literally be freed of all their medication forever in as little as 30 days! How do I do this? It's simple. And you are about to find out.

Take a minute to click on the links above to meet the challenger, learn about protein and more! I will have a new post up at the end of each day (after all meals), showcasing pictures of every meal and providing new information on why this will be the most important challenge of your life.

Here's to your health, to the animals and to the Earth!


Day Six: Carlsbad

Part of eating healthy is knowing how to adapt when traveling.  Not that spending the night in San Diego is considered "traveling," but just because you aren't in the comfort of your own home doesn't automatically give you a permission slip to eat whatever you want.  So what is one to do?

Breakfast was easy since I was able to prepare it as we were packing and getting ready to leave.  We enjoyed some steel cut oatmeal topped with honey granola and an apple-peach smoothie.  

Since we were going to be on the road for a couple hours, I made sure to pack some healthy snacks as well as lunch so we wouldn't be starving when we arrived.

Mid-Morning Snack: Ants on a Log

Lunch: Tofurkey & Spinach Sandwich
Keeping this in a small cooler kept it super fresh 2 hours after I made it!

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Soy Strawberry Granola Parfait

Packing our own food for the day made it extremely easy to eat healthy and not feel deprived!  I made Shell's favorite dinner, "Bolognese" Pasta and a super yummy arugula salad with sweet tomatoes, butternut squash, toasted pine nuts and a home-made garlic vinaigrette.  Everyone loved eating at home and whole dinner cost less than $30.00 for 
 four people.  Bon Appetite! 

Thank you, Kami for the beautiful table setting!!

Day Five: What is that SMELL?

I was told that Shell would go through a detox phase when giving up animal products and adding more produce, but seriously, the past couple days he has been having the worst smells from you know where!!!  I mean, he's clearing rooms and even the dogs are running.  How long is this phase supposed to last??  

Day five meals:

Breakfast: 30DCC approved cereal & soy milk, 
whole grain English muffin w/ peanut butter

 Lunch: 30DCC Approved Indian Food- Chana Masala, Salad, Rice

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Vanilla Soy Yogurt & Granola

Dinner: Pizza Night!

Shell's: Supreme Veggie, Veg Cheeze, Soysage    

 Mine: Spinach, Sundried Tomatoes, Fresh Tomatoes, Veg Cheeze

Dessert: More Cookies... 
They are the same ones as yesterday and the day before that.  
So here is a pic of Shell and our dogs instead!  

Day Four: Getting Easier

I can't believe tomorrow is Friday and we are almost through Shell's first week of NO animal consumption!!  I have a new-found meaning for the term TGIF.  Not only that, but he has already lost 3 pounds and has mentioned he doesn't feel as bloated as he normally does.  

In fact, after he ate his lunch this afternoon, he called me from the car just to tell him how wonderful his sandwich was.  How's that for great news :-)

Breakfast: Warm Apple Pie Oats

Mid-Morning Snack: 30DCC Approved Odwalla Bar 

Lunch: Tofurkey Sandwich, Apple, Ants on a Log

Dinner: Tempeh Tacos, Roasted Mixed Veggies...

... and a surprise visit from Shell's sister!!

 "Where did you put the cookies???"

Day Three: On the Go

As I was driving to work this morning, I started thinking about the thousands of working parents who believe that their lives are too busy and time consuming to eat healthy.  Now just because I don't have kids (yet), don't think for one second that I am not just like you, trying to cram in thirty hours into a twenty-four hour day! 

I woke up at 6am this morning, took my dogs outside, got ready, filmed my Meatless Monday video from 7:15-8am and had to leave right away to make it to a doctor appointment at 8:30am.  By 9:15 I was at the pharmacy picking up my prescriptions, stopped back at home to make sure Shell had food for the office and made it to my desk just in time for a 10am call.  It is now 5:13pm and I haven't left my desk for more than a few bathroom breaks all day long! Now that my dinner plans have been ruined (again!) caused by the need to eat someone's face off, we now head out to the big bad world to find a veg-friendly dinner.

Today's post is all about eating on the GO!

Breakfast: Blueberry Brianiac Smoothie
This was my MM video... so stay tuned on Monday for the recipe!

 Mid-Morning Snack: 30DCC Approved Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Lunch: Whole Wheat Sesame Bagel - Dry
It's all we had in the office since we didn't leave ALL day!!

  Dinner: Chipotle Veg Bowl
Rice, black beans, grilled peppers & onions, lettuce, tomatoes, corn salsa & guacamole

 Dessert: Oatmeal Choc Chip Walnut Cookies (egg free, dairy free, oil free!)


Day Two: Toxic Hunger Withdrawal

Welcome to day two!  Shell was complaining of feeling a bit sick to his stomach this afternoon... he thinks it's because he is eating too much healthy food.  Now before you laugh, he actually could be on to something.  You see, there are two types of food additions:

1.  Overeating, which causes a dopamine surge to the brain
2.  Feeling withdrawal or detox symptoms associated with eating like crap.

Shell is most likely feeling symptoms of "toxic hunger" associated from withdrawal of fat, sugar and salt.  Here are some of the symptoms associated with Toxic Hunger: headache, weakness, lightheaded, hunger, irritable, stomach cramping, nausea.  Unfortunately for Shell, he might just have to feel worse temporarily before he starts feeling better.

Classic quote of the day: "I've never eaten this much fruit in one day in my life!" - Shell talking about eating some cantaloupe with breakfast, sliced apples with lunch and strawberries with a snack.  OH DEAR!

Breakfast: Tofu Skillet Scramble, Sliced Cantaloupe

Lunch: Sweet & Spicy Hummus Pita, Sliced Carrots & Apples

Afternoon Snack: Vanilla Granola Parfait

Dinner: Chili-Stuffed Baked Potatoes w/ "cheeze" sauce, Corn & Steamed Artichokes  

Dessert: 30DCC Approved "Ice Cream" Sandwich

Day One: Craming it All In

Day one started out a little rocky to say the least.  We had a Monday morning meeting at 7:25am, which means I had to make Shell's first meal of his first day in the dark, which doesn't make for great picture taking.  I managed to make his lunch and snacks last night, so it was just a matter of taking pictures in the office under the horribly old yellow lighting.  Oh, for those of you don't know... we ALSO work together, which keeps things interesting to say the least.  My original dinner plans flew out the window when we remembered we had a meeting tonight at 7:00pm, so I ended up having to throw something together when we got home.

**Remember that a plant-strong diet omits all animal products, including dairy and eggs**

Well, without further adieu...

Breakfast: Blueberry Brainiac Smoothie

Mid-Morning Snack: 30DCC Approved Maple Oatmeal

Lunch: Better-than-a-Club-Sandwich, Strawberry Soy Yogurt

Afternoon Snack: Celery & Natural Chunky Peanut Butter

Dinner: Open Faced Patty Melt, Mixed Green Salad w/ Balsamic Vinaigrette

Dessert: Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Sandwich

The Challenge Begins, Monday Oct 26th!

Tomorrow is the first day that my boyfriend, Shell, takes the leap into the world of no meat or dairy for the next 30 days.  He will be eating a "plant-strong" diet consisting of whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts/seeds and soy-based products.

I would like to introduce you to our challenger, so please take a moment and read his bio here: "Meet the Challenger".  For all of you who are concerned about where he is going to get his protein from, please click this link: "The Protein Myth."

I hope you enjoy following us throughout the next 30 days.  I will be posting pictures of every meal and each Monday I will post a video tutorial & recipe of Shell's favorite dish of the week. 

Thanks for the support!
